Friday, January 27, 2012

A Better Look on its Ingredients

There’s no question about the chocolate chip cookies’ being an all-time favorite, but the real question is: Why?  The secret lies behind its ingredients, so let us look deeper into its ingredients and know the reason behind the cookies’ success.

Flour is an essential ingredient in making bread, cookies, cakes, muffins, and cupcakes. It is the core of every pastry. It gives density to the chocolate chip cookies, and is mainly responsible for the body and structure of baked goods.  Flour also determines the flavor and texture of what you are baking; it is a binding agent that helps other ingredients in chocolate chip cookies harmoniously mix together. Without flour, your cookies would be utterly lifeless.

Chocolate chips
The life of the chocolate chip cookies are of course its chocolates.  It is the main reason for its stardom and reputation.  The chocolate adds a unique flavor and style to the cookies.  Chocolate chip cookies are in fact so famous because of the chocolate itself.  While some mothers doesn’t like their kids eating too much chocolates and other sweets, studies showed that eating chocolates and sweets are good for children as it may actually stop them from getting fat in later life. Well, chocolates do have benefits as well, it actually contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants and chocolates are known to help relax a person in times of depression.

Brown Sugar
Brown sugar got its color because of the presence of molasses in its granules which also make its texture smoother. Its main purpose is to add sweetness to the chocolate chip cookies depending on your preference. But sugar isn’t just a sweetener, when used in baking, brown sugar adds volume, texture, tenderness, color, and serves as a preservative.

 Chocolate chip cookie recipe requires beaten eggs in it to fulfill its perfect state.  Eggs provide structure and richness to the cookies.  Just as flour, eggs also help binds the ingredients together making them perfectly at harmony with each other. It also acts as a leavening, thickening, and adds color to the baked goods.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is a chemical leavening agent (see more leavening agents)together with baking powder which is responsible for the rising of the batter during baking. Baking soda is about four times as strong as baking powder, which is the reason why most prefer using baking soda.  In chocolate chip cookies, baking soda is used because baking powder doesn’t react with chocolate due to the fact that chocolate is an acidic ingredient.

Vanilla Extract
Vanilla is the secret for an enticingly aromatic chocolate chip cookie.  It is also used as a flavoring in almost all desserts and pastries.

Salt in cookie ingredients seemed pretty much out of place, right? But there’s always a reason for this.  A cookie isn’t perfect without a little bit of flavor twist.  Using just the right quantity of salt emphasizes the flavors of all other ingredients in cookies and pastries. You might be surprise to know that without salt in cookies, the cookie just wouldn’t taste right, a good chef would know that.

The main function of butter is to add flavor and texture to the baked goods.  Make sure to follow the directions in a recipe whether butter should be melted or cold because temperature of butter is very important in baking. 

In chocolate chip cookies, pecans and walnuts are the usual nuts used for the recipe.  Nuts simply add flavor to the cookies especially when you’re chewing the baked product already. You can feel and taste the nuts’ flavor in your mouth and it blends perfectly with chocolates. 

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